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Get Involved

There are several ways you can get involved with your child’s experience at Eaton Socon Pre-School. As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, a management team governs ESPS. There are two groups, the Trustees and the Fundraising Committee, which are made up of staff, parents and carers giving their time voluntarily. Each group meets at our purpose-built Pre-School building once every 6-12 weeks for evening meetings. Members are elected at the AGM in October, but if places are available then anyone can be elected during the year. To be a member of either the Trustees or Fundraising Committee requires a Disclosure and Barring Service check and a character reference.

If you want to be involved but can only commit a small amount of time or for a one-off period, why not become a parent helper? We value our helpers at ESPS as it shows the children that their parents/carers are involved with their education, and it also gives you an opportunity to become part of the ESPS family and brush-up on or extend your skills. If you are interested in any of the ways you can get involved please contact us or speak to any staff member.

What are you looking for?



As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, the Trustees have the responsibility of ensuring that ESPS operates correctly according to Charity Commission regulations. They manage the business and financial aspects of ESPS, and deal with future planning and strategic direction of the Pre-School. They are also the employer of the Pre-School staff so have responsibilities such as recruitment, staff training and development, paying salaries and managing contracts of employment.

The Trustees of ESPS are the Pre-School Manager, a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Chairperson’s role is to chair meetings and head any decision-making and provide direction so the Trustees can deliver the aims of the ESPS business. The Secretary’s role is to produce agendas and record minutes of meetings, and to ensure all paperwork for the groups and their members is filed securely. The Treasurer’s role is to manage all financial aspects of the ESPS business, ensuring that the Pre-School runs without loss and that any profit is spent wisely on the children’s education. They also deal with staff finance matters such as salary and pensions.

Being an ESPS Trustee requires commitment and involvement. The reward is to become an instrumental part of the Pre-Schools’ future, ensuring the children have the best possible setting to provide active, educational and fun learning. Operating an Outstanding Ofsted rated provision requires dedication to the children’s learning, and you can help support us to provide this.

Do you want to be part of this very successful team or have further questions? Do you wish to read any of the Minutes of past Trustee meetings? If so, please contact the Pre-School or speak to any staff member.

Fundraising team

Fundraising Team

The Fundraising Team is comprised of volunteers working together and liaising with pre-school staff and trustees to help plan and run fund raising events (such as the Christmas Fayre).

The Fundraising Team are a valued part of the pre-school community.  Monies raised are reinvested in new play equipment and special visitors, identified by staff, to support the children’s learning, as well as for pre-school trips and visits for the children.

If you are interested in getting involved please speak to the Pre-School Manager or any member of staff.


Amazon Wishlist

You may wish to purchase learning materials and other equipment we'd like from our Amazon Wishlist. Thankyou in advance!

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