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The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, making sure they’re suitable for children, helping providers to improve, monitoring their progress and sharing best practice. When Ofsted inspects a provider the inspector will make a judgement on the standard of the provider’s overall effectiveness, grading them as Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate. Only the very best providers receive a judgement of Outstanding.

Eaton Socon Pre-School are proud of the quality of the education and the positive environment we provide for children. This quality is reflected in the award of Outstanding in our last 3 Ofsted inspections. You can view our latest Ofsted report (2019) on the Ofsted website using our Ofsted unique reference number (URN) EY:545190

You can search for files relating to ESPS, prior to Septemebet 2017 (before becoming a (CIO) Charitable Incorporated Organisation) using the Ofsted Unique Reference Number (URN) 221749.

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