Sessions & Fees
Morning: 9am – 12pm (3 hours)
Afternoon: 12pm – 3pm (3 hours)
All day: 9am – 3pm (6 hours)
N.B. A healthy packed lunch must be provided
We also offer 2 hour sessions during the mornings or afternoons for new starters while they settle into pre-school (from 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm), please speak to the Pre-school Manager or our Admissions Officer if these sessions are required.
We are able to offer pre-school sessions to children aged 2 years and over. Places are allocated on availability, therefore please contact the pre-school, prior to your child reaching their 2nd birthday, should you wish your child to be added to our waiting list.
For ESPS opening/closing dates including staff training days see the Term Dates page.
Our fees are currently £6 per hour (from September 2024), and are non-returnable. ESPS do not charge a registration fee to children funded on entry or top-up fees for any funded session. We accept Employer-Supported Childcare schemes (childcare vouchers) from many suppliers and also the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare scheme, which could save you substantial amounts in taxes on fees.
If you are in receipt of certain other forms of government support, your 2-year-old may be entitled to 15 hours of free childcare at pre-school. Alternatively, as a working family, following the government’s expansion of childcare funding, your child may otherwise be entitled to 15 hours free childcare.
All children, from the term after their 3rd birthday, are entitled to 15 hours of free universal childcare and working families of 3- and 4-year-olds may also be entitled to an additional (extended) 15 hours of free childcare.
To check your eligibility for funding and to apply please visit
Applications for funding must be completed and the necessary funding information (including parent/carer national insurance number and the funding code issued to you) must be provided to the pre-school during the term before your entitlement is due to start.
Please be aware that unless you fund your child’s own sessions, we are unable to hold additional sessions open until later in the year when your child is in receipt of their funding.
For further information please refer to our on-line prospectus or contact the Pre-School Manger who will be happy to assist you.