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Easter Newsletter 2024

Easter Break

We will be closing for the Easter break this week, our last sessions will take place on Thursday 28th March, and we will re-open on Tuesday 16th April. We hope you all have an enjoyable break and return to us happy and refreshed and in good health ready to start the Summer Term. 

Sponsored Bounce

Thank you to everyone who has supported our sponsored bounce – the children really enjoyed bouncing!!! And so far, (and still counting) you have helped to raise over £350, which will go towards extra pre-school resources to enhance the children’s play and learning. If you have not yet returned your sponsor monies please do so as soon as possible, you can drop cash at the pre-school office or make a bank transfer (be sure to reference your bank transfer with the word bounce

Ready for Summer

Please remember to send your child to pre-school with a hat during the summer term and apply sun cream to them before arriving – remember even on cloudy days the sun can still be harmful to your child’s skin. We will encourage the children to drink plenty of water and play in the shade on hot days and we will re-apply sun cream as necessary throughout the day. If you would prefer not to use our suncream, please ensure staff are aware and feel free to leave your own suncream, labelled with your child’s name. Due to nut allergies within the pre-school, we are unable to use Nivea suncream or any other suncream containing nut products. Please carefully check labelling for nut product ingredients (including Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis oil) and if your suncream contains nut products do not apply this suncream to your child before a pre-school session or bring this suncream into the pre-school. 

Book Library

Don’t forget to visit our book sharing library (under the canopy) at drop-off or collection time and borrow one of our many books to share with your child at home. 

Healthy Snacks

At every session children are offered a healthy seasonal snack and water or milk to drink. We have a two-week rolling snack menu which is available to see on our website or in the children’s rooms. To help with the cost of this we ask parents and carers to make a small donation of £10 each half term – please pay by on-line bank transfer (reference with your child’s initial and surname) or by cash at the office. Your support is very much appreciated. 


If your child is staying with us all day you can either send your child to pre-school with a packed lunch or order a hot lunch, for £2.30. Lunches can be ordered in advance or when you drop your child at pre-school and can be paid by on-line bank transfer or by cash when you place your order with a member of staff (usually Wendy) outside of the Poppy Room. All lunch orders must be placed by 9:30am at the latest - if you are likely to be arriving late to pre-school, please telephone the pre-school to place your order or bring a packed lunch for your child. 

Bugs & Viruses

Please remember, your child should not attend if for any reason it would be necessary for them to take Calpol before attending, and remember, if your child has diarrhoea or sickness, they must stay away for 48 hours from their last incident of diarrhoea or sickness. 

If your child is unwell, please contact the pre-school office as soon as possible to let us know. 

Register now for a pre-school place

Places at pre-school are now oversubscribed and we are operating a waiting list If you have a younger child hoping to join pre-school in the future, we advise you to register them with us as soon as possible. Please visit our pre-school website to register your child, ask for a registration form at the office and return to us as soon as possible or speak to Wendy who will take your child’s details and add them to our waiting list. 


Fees are charged each half term, please pay them promptly before the end of the half term by on-line bank transfer or by cash at the pre-school office. Please reference your on-line payment with your child’s first initial and surname. And remember if you are using a 30-hour or 15-hour code for free childcare, please ensure you renew your code when necessary. 

Free Childcare for 3-4 year olds

If your child is 3-4 years old, they are automatically entitled to 15 hours free childcare (from the term following their 3rd birthday). Working families may be entitled to an additional 15 hours but must check eligibility and apply for this additional 15-hour entitlement through the government’s childcare choices website. If they meet the government eligibility criteria, they will be issued with a 30-hour code which can be used for the additional 15 hours from the start of the following term* 

Free Childcare for 2 year olds

From the term following their 2nd birthday children of working families or families in receipt of certain other government support may be entitled to 15 hours free childcare. Families must check eligibility and apply for this free childcare through the government’s childcare choices website. If they meet the government eligibility criteria, they will be issued with a 15-hour code which can be used from the start of the following term* 

Free childcare places are all subject to pre-school session availability. 

You must give your 30-hour or 15-hour code to the pre-school during the term prior to your entitlement starting. 

You must renew your 30-hour or 15-hour code as necessary (every term) through your account. 

Entitlement is on a weekly basis over 38 weeks/year. 

Entitlement begins at the start of each term on or after 1st January, 1st April or 1st September. 

Diary Dates

Celebrating Father’s Day: During the week commencing Monday 10th June we will be welcoming Dads (or any other significant family member or friend) to join us at pre-school and see what we get up to!! There will be all the usual pre-school fun and maybe a bacon buttie too! We will be sending invitations out nearer to the date. 

Parent Consultation Evening: from 5:30pm – 8:45pm on Thursday 20th June: A chance to speak with your child’s keyworker to see how your child is progressing at pre-school - appointment booking details will be made available nearer the date. 

Wimpole Farm Visit: We are hoping to return to Wimpole Farm for our annual pre-school day out on Friday 21st June. Please note, a parent (or other authorised person) will be required to accompany your child on the day out to Wimpole Farm. There will be no entry fee for the Farm and transport by coach will be available at a subsidised cost of just £10/adult. 

Open Evening: A drop in at pre-school for parents and prospective parents from 6:30pm – 8:00pm on Thursday 27th June. A chance to meet the staff and look around the different children’s rooms. 

Leavers Party: Children leaving us to start school in September will be invited to a celebration party, taking place on Monday 15th July. 

Term Dates

Thursday 28th March: End of the Spring Term (last pre-school sessions will take place on this day) 

Easter Break: we will be closed from Friday 29th March – Monday 15th April (inclusive) 

Tuesday 16th April: we re-open for the Summer Term. 

Monday 6th May: bank holiday closure 

Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May: closed for the half-term break. 

Friday 21st June: there will be no pre-school sessions due to the Pre-School day out at Wimpole Farm. (see details) 

Friday 12th July: end of Summer Term (last normal pre-school sessions will take place on this day) 

Wednesday 4th September: we re-open for the Autumn Term. 

Please remember, Caroline , the Pre-School Manager is available should you have any concerns or worries, or if you are in need of support or advice. Telephone 01480 406047 or email or drop into the pre-school office. If you are struggling to make ends meet, please speak to Caroline who can issue you with a food bank sticker. 


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