Helping your child's learning
You know that, thanks to the EYFS Framework and Ofsted reports, your child is getting the best possible support with their learning and development when they come to a setting like ESPS. But, as a parent or carer, can you help with your child’s learning at home?
All the fun activities that you do with your child at home are important in supporting their learning and development, and have a really long lasting effect on your child’s learning as they progress through school. Even when your child is very young and is not yet able to talk, talking to them helps them to learn and understand new words and ideas. Below are some tips on things you can do or say at home to help your child’s learning:
Talk about the numbers, colours, words and letters you see when you are out and about
Sing and tell nursery rhymes
On a trip to the supermarket, talk about all the different packaging shapes
Cook/bake together
Use the weather – shadows, rain puddles, snow, wind, mist and sun – to extend your child’s vocabulary
Share a book
Plant seeds or bulbs in a pot or garden patch
Explore the park at a different time of the year – go off the beaten track
Allow your child to cut out and stick pictures from magazines
Talk to your child at every opportunity – e.g. what you are doing that day